Stratu administrerer en omfattende mængde data på tværs af flere lokationer, som alle er revideret efter ISAE-3402-standarden af eksterne revisionsfirmaer. Derudover er vi auditeret i ISAE-3000 (GDPR) og ISAE-3204, hvilket sikrer højeste standarder for datasikkerhed og compliance. Certifikaterne er tilgængelige for vores kunder uden beregning.
Vi er også certificeret i ISO 27001 – en international standard for informationssikkerhed. Selvom dette ikke nødvendigvis er et direkte krav fra alle vores kunder, er det en ekstra garanti for, at datasikkerhed altid er en prioritet hos os.
Med Stratu kan du have ro i sindet, velvidende at dine data håndteres med den højeste grad af sikkerhed og compliance.
The operation of data centers today emits more CO2 than the entire airline industry combined. This is because the data centers use enormous amounts of electricity, and a large part of that electricity is created by burning CO2-emitting fuels such as oil, gas or coal.
Fortunately, it is quite easy to reduce the company's CO2 emissions without compromising the technological possibilities. This is achieved by using a data center that is run on renewable energy sources when possible.
That's the way we do it in Stratu.
Do you need help to make your IT greener? Then we are happy to help you make a change that, in addition to making your company more sustainable, also helps you meet the increasing expectations from business partners, consumers and goverments.
Stratu is a silver partner in FCH Talent. Read more about the collaboration here.
At Stratu, we strongly believe that you cultivate the best talents by combining play and talent. It must be the desire, the curiosity, the competitive instinct and the camaraderie that brings out the best in us, both when it comes to IT talents and young footballers. We can recognize those values in the FCH Talent Academy, and therefore it was natural for us to support their good work, says Jeppe Klestrup.
Jeppe Klestrup
At Stratu, we would like to contribute to solving some of society's concrete social challenges, but to be completely honest, we know far more about IT and cloud strategy than solving social challenges. That is why we collaborate with the Foundation for Social Responsibility.
Jeppe Klestrup
'Natteravnene', which make the night safe for young people,is one of the
many social initiatives the Foundation for Social Responsibility runs.