Stratu vinder kompetencepris ved and AHV Virtualization event
Stratu vinder prisen som ’Competence Rockstar 2023’ til det årlige Nutanix Eminence eventet.
Nutanix's reasoning for Stratu winning the award was as follows:
“Stratu is not just a partner; they are a direct extension of Nutanix, our trusted competence partner. Their team’s exceptional expertise, perfectly matched skills, and unwavering dedication to customer success have them our clear go-to choice. The seamless integration of their competence with our services elevates Stratu to an invaluable partner within the Nutanix family.”
Sidste år vandt Stratu prisen som ’Årets Partner i Danmark’ og det er derfor andet år i træk, at Stratu modtager en Nutanix pris.